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Every city has its nightlife district, the coolest, always trendy and never empty. In Turin is San Salvario, a multi-ethnic district, a vibrant nightlife center, full of cultural, artisan e artistic activities.

This neighborhood, so historic and loved by turineses and tourists has been severely affected by the health emergency that we are still living.

This is why we decided to help the neighborhood's economy. How? Our project was born with a very specific mission: recover unsold bread and transform it in a new product, a premium craft beer, green and with high quality. We transform what would be just a waste into value.

This circular economy model has been applied at the local level, aqctually at the neighborhood level: we have recovered unsold bread exclusively from 8 local bakeries to produce 7.500 bottles of Biova Beer San Salvario special edition.

Biova Beer San Salvario is available only on our store online and in the bars and bakeries of San Salvario.

The project is in partnership with Celocelo Food, a project of Casa del Quartiere San Salvario and Equoevento Onlus, responsible to recover the unsold by the neighborhood merchants and distribute it as a shopping box to families in difficulty; in this difficult period due to the pandemic, it never stopped its action on the territory.

We think that it is necessary to believe and invest in the restart of everyone, that's why the special edition beer will be produced in the Brewfist brewery in Codogno, in order to help another area severely hit by the Covid-19 emergency: the lower Lodi area.

Biova San Salvario is an initiative that talks about rebirth, new life and collective commitment. A sip of beer is enough to help the world or a neighborhood.

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